Tuesday, 18 November 2014

NaNoProgress: Day eighteen/30k

Word count: 30,204

Yes! I hit 30k! This is a day to be celebrated!
I am rolling with this story! And I am not even at the climax yet! (I have no idea what I am doing!) I am just dying to edit! I want to edit, I want to fill in the spaces I have left blank. I want to swap things around. But I have to write! I have to get 50,000 words of the story on this document. Cause that is all that matters at this point.

I made a quote picture/cover/cover photo type of thing today. With a piece I wrote yesterday? I really love it! Making these things help me with my drive to keep on writing!



  1. Love love love! That character quote! I really need to get making more of those haha :P So glad you made it to 30k! Wooh!

    1. Awww! Thanks... Its cute ae!
      They are so fun to make! :D I'm loving your ones as-well!

  2. You go girl!!! I'm so happy for you :)) 30k is awesome!!

    1. Thanks!!! I never, ever, ever thought I would get this far! Its beautiful, it really is!
