So it's the weekend for me! Yay! I had a very boring week of doing hardly anything. But that is a long story. I am here now to do some blogging.
So I thought I might talk about me. Wild Horse over at Opal Swirls did a 30 things you might not have known... And I thought that might be cool to do. Make sure you look at Wild Horses post! (do it now)
- I put a lot of instant coffee in my cup, and less sugar. (at course I am now putting 4 of the plastic tea-spoons of coffee into my small cup)
- The only jeans I will wear are skinny jeans. They have to be tight, or else I don't like them.
- I wear massive shirts. Anything to do with the top half, it's got to be large. I hate tight tops.
- On clothing; I love huge hoodies. I just bought myself a massive grey hoodie, that I have been looking for, for more than two years.
- I spend to much time on Pinterest (though you should all know that by now)
- I am a leader in my churches intermediates program.
- I cry when listening to 'Just give me a Reason' (I almost broke down in tears at the supermarket when it was playing...)
- I talk my characters lines aloud when I'm bored, and act them out as well.
- I hate talking on the phone. I will always make one of my siblings answer it when it rings.
- When I'm feeling really sick, or tired; I will talk your head off with the most random stuff. Like, it's hard to shut me up when I'm feeling like that.
- I'm funny if I'm comfortable around you.
- I love maps. Travel maps, world maps, google maps. I just love maps.
- I know my way around the City Library. And I want to work at the library. Seriously, I feel qualified.
- I don't like wearing blingy jewelry. Anything that sparkles; I wont wear it.
- I like talking on deep subjects.
- I am happy with myself image. But I try not work to hard on it, I would much rather be a geek than a beauty queen.
- The movie I always go back to is 'The Day After Tomorrow' It is without a doubt, my favorite movie.
- I was previously Homeschool. And get very insulted when people refer to me as not being very good at socializing. (or asking if I have a social life)
- I hate is when I'm walking with my family, and I see people counting my siblings. It makes me so mad, I want to do something that would be bad.
- I've never broken a bone.
- I hardly ever wear makeup. But when I do, I smudge it all over my face.
- When I listen to music on my own, I will sing very loud.
- When I'm round people for to long, I tend to shut off. So I wont hear anyone, or see anything.
- I can't watch a horror without not being able to sleep properly for more than four weeks. (so I don't watch horrors)
- I cant read in the car without feeling car sick.
- I taught myself to play the piano.
- I watch tons of BuzzFeed
- I am going to be 20 in 3 years. And that scares me!
- I have to much black clothing.
- My dream job is to be an Agent of Shield...
So that is me. Let me know what you think. :) Have a good weekend.