Sunday, 5 July 2015

80's Movies and Photography

Hello World.

It is in fact the school holidays. We are half way through the year. And I am tired. I'm really sorry that this blog has become run down, changed and all that. I need to get it together.
Over this time. I have devolved some new ideas, and passions. I am still writing... Just thought I might put that out there. Inspiration is slow, but steady.

Here are two new things I wanted to share.

  • 80's movies
  • Photography 

80's movies: I have started to not like movies all that much. Except for the over baring excitement of paper towns coming out! I was just starting to get board of them. But that was when I thought I might try out a movie I had heard tones about. And that was THE BREAKFAST CLUB. I am serious. I loved this movie so so much.  

The scene in the library where each character admits why he or she is in detention wasn’t scripted, Hughes told the actors to improvise their lines. | 25 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Favorite John Hughes Movies

The movie is about five teenagers from different backgrounds and social circles that get shoved together in a Saturday detention. Staring the song Don't You Forget About Me. I was taken by the way that teen talked and thought back in the 80's. Which lead me to want to scream "Take me to the 80's." There was something poetic clean and meaningful and the way that they talked. Something I think teenagers of my generation have lost. It was just a great movie. WATCH IT! 

I got Sixteen Candles! Which John Hughes Film Is Like Your Love Life?

The other one I watched and fell in love with; was SIXTEEN CANDLES Which was the funniest, most beautiful and real kind of teen romance. I really loved this one as a girl. But then I showed it to my brother and he liked it as well. So what can I say. This one is going down as one of my favorite chick flicks of all time. I fell in love with all the characters. It was amazing. 

So those are my little talks about my two new favorite movies. Please let me know if you have watched either of these two. And what you thought of them. 

Photography: Now this is my second point. As some of you know. I like art. I like doing creative stuff. And got into my head, (A while ago. I might add.) That I wanted to start photography. And learn Photoshop. Only thing that held me back was not having a camera. I remember at camp early this year, picking up my leader Helen's DSLR camera, and revel in it's beauty. I didn't take any photos. But I sure wanted to. The other spark was also on camp where I was lying in the field a fair way away from the tents with my friend, and saw an old chair sitting a distant away. I lay on my stomach and focused on how the chair looked at the angle. I remeber, I so badly wanted to take a photo. It would have looked amazing.
Any way. So after thinking over it for a long time. I decided was going to go save up and and buy myself a DSLR camera so I could start. But lucky for me, I am being gifted with a second hand DSLR. I will be receiving this holidays. So I can start.

I have been gathering inspiration of what I would like to try on my pinterest board PHOTOGRAPHY IDEAS. I really want to do fine art photography. And learn tones of cool camera and photoshop tricks. Also I will be doing mostly self portrait art. So I will be the concept for most of them. Which is a big step for me. Cause I am terribly camera shy. And hate myself in photos. But I am doing this for a reason.I am doing this to conquer what I said to myself was impossible. I had told myself that I would never do photography cause I sucked when ever I tried. And trust me. I gave it a go a couple of times.

So that is my small/ish update. You shall hear from me soon.



  1. I still haven't seen The Breakfast Club, but I hope to some time soon. Everyone I know speaks very highly of it.

    And we should go take some photo's together some time :) I recently invested in a Nikon L330 which I have been enjoying, but I can't say I have any talent for using it xD

    1. It is a must watch Opal! I know you will enjoy it. :)

      I would love to do that. You have an AWESOME backyard... just saying XD Yours sounds like a good camera. And they are a good investment. Mine is a Konica Minolta Dimage A200. :)
